Does any of this sound familiar?

  • "I'm too exhausted at the end of the day to even think about what I need."

  • "I don’t have time to think about me! My clients (...partner, kids, dog…) need my attention right now."

  • "I've tried taking baths and watching Netflix, but it doesn’t help. Maybe self-care's not for me."

  • "I know I need to take care of me, but it's just so much easier to be kind to other people."

  • "I have no idea what I feel or what I need right now. But, I know something needs to change."

You're spending so much time worrying about and caring for others that you've become disconnected from yourself. 

But, it doesn't have to be that way. 

Join me for 14 days of turning inward for mindful soul work. In this series of journal prompts, movement practices, art exercises, and guided meditations, you'll practice offering yourself the same compassion and empathy you give to others. 

I've been where you are

Early on in my Social Work career, before I discovered that I was a Highly Sensitive Person and fully explored my people-pleasing tendencies, I ended each work day too tired to do anything by binge-watch Netflix.

I'd spend my free time thinking about work and worrying about my clients. While I knew this wasn't working for me, I didn't know what I needed, let alone how to start putting it into practice.

And that's exactly why I created this series. 

My goal? To create an affordable, time-efficient and FUN wellness series that empowered Social Workers with the skills they needed to turn inward and tend to themselves with the same care they show their clients.

I wanted to remove the stress of trial and error for you, but sharing the very exercises, practices, and insights that helped me return to myself and find a healthy work/life balance.

Now I end each workday looking forward to things that being me joy, being present with my loved ones.

You can, too.    


Social Worker Refresh: A Wellness Series to Guide You from Overwhelmed to Rejuvenated

(in only 15 minutes a day)

Imagine moving through your day feeling…

  • refreshed, rejuvenated, rested, and calm

  • clear about your emotions and needs

  • compassion for yourself

  • more united with like-minded Social Workers and less isolated in the work

  • grounded in who you are

  • joy and lightness in your life

  • connected to your inner wisdom, resources, strengths, and desires

  • free from guilt as you care for yourstast

Sound too good to be true? Congratulations! You're exactly who I created this for. 

Here's how we'll move you from overwhelmed to rejuvenated:

Each day, for 14 days, you'll have access to a new introspective exercise. 

I'll share insights and reflections on the day's theme, as well as step-by-step instructional videos on various exercises and practices that foster reflection, connection and joy.

  • Art Exercises

    Mindful art activities that focus on process over outcome (what a relief, eh?) and allow for playful creativity and presence.

  • Movement Practices

    Simple and powerful ways to move your body that soothe the nervous system and release stress. (Modify as you like; let your body be your guide.)

  • Guided Meditations

    Settle in, connect with your breath and turn inward. These practices of listening to your inner knowing and getting to know yourself a bit better will induce a sense of calm and ease. (Yes, please.)

  • Journaling Prompts

    Guiding questions for reflection and self-exploration to bring clarity and understanding of your inner wisdom and true self. (Whether you're "into" journaling or not, these prompts will help get your wheels turning.)


  • 1


    • Welcome!

    • What to Expect

    • What you'll need

  • 2


    • Invite Journal Prompts

    • Optional Art Exercise

  • 3


    • Arriving

    • Painting Your Breath

  • 4


    • Anchor

    • Grounding Movement Practice

  • 5


    • Listening

    • Listen Guided Meditation

  • 6


    • Honouring Yourself

  • 7


    • Releasing

    • Release Journal Prompts

  • 8

    DAY 7: REST

    • Allowing Rest

    • Restorative Movement Practice

  • 9


    • Refresh

    • Refresh Guided Meditation

    • Optional Art Exercise

  • 10

    DAY 9: SPACE

    • Finding Space

    • Painting Circles

  • 11

    DAY 10: JOY

    • Permission to Feel Joy

    • Joyful Movement Practice

  • 12

    DAY 11: LOVE

    • Generating Self-Love

    • Love Guided Meditation

  • 13

    DAY 12: EASE

    • Finding Ease

    • Simple Movement Practice

  • 14

    DAY 13: TRUST

    • Building Self-Trust

    • Trust Journal Prompts

  • 15

    DAY 14: EXPAND

    • Expansion

    • Expand Guided Meditation

    • Painting Swirls

  • 16

    Feedback Request

    • Give Your Feedback!

Every one of these exercises I have practiced myself. This combination of meditation, movement, art, and writing has been vital to my healing from codependency and to my ongoing burnout prevention. 

Many of the exercises I've also used in 1:1 therapy sessions and group facilitation. I've received such fantastic feedback about them, I knew they needed to be shared! I believe they'll be valuable assets on your journey from overwhelmed to rejuvenated, too. 

And the best part?

You won't be on this journey alone.

  • BONUS: Community Support

    Throughout this series, you'll have access to a private Facebook group just for Social Worker Refresh participants. Share your reflections, connect with like-minded Social Workers, and receive direct support from your guide, Amy!

Meet your guide

Hi! I’m Amy Pinnell!

I'll be your guide through this series. I’m a Registered Social Worker and a private practice therapist in Nova Scotia, Canada. I'm also a Highly Sensitive Person who's passionate about helping fellow sensitive Social Workers embrace and honour their sensitivity so they can thrive. In just two years of sharing my message on Instagram (@sensitivesocialworker), it's resonated with 21,000+ followers and led to meaningful connections with 1000s of sensitive Social Workers.

Here’s what other Sensitive Social Workers are saying:

Need a friendly nudge?

This series is backed by a 7-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

I'm confident you'll feel supported and delighted by Social Worker Refresh. But, if after a week inside the program you're not satisfied, I'll gladly return your purchase. 

And in case you're wondering…

  • What if I can’t commit to 14 days in a row?

    No problem! I know you're likely balancing many duties and responsibilities in addition to your work as a Social Worker. That's why I've made this series’ schedule flexible. It's self-directed, so you're welcome to go at your own pace, knowing you'll have access to the material for 60 days after your purchase.

  • Life's busy right now. What's the daily time investment?

    To honour your time, I've made sure each exercise requires just 15 minutes of your day. If you can carve out 15 minutes for yourself, each day for 14 days, you'll be able to participate fully– no problem!

  • When will I get access to the material?

    Social Worker Refresh officially opens on March 20th, 2022! If you sign up after this date, you will gain access on the day you register.

  • How long will I have access to the material?

    You'll have access to the material for 60 days after the date of purchase. This gives you an opportunity to move through the material at your own pace, and also revisit any exercises that really resonated with you.

  • Do I have to be highly sensitive to participate in this series?

    All are welcome here! While this series takes into consideration the needs of Highly Sensitive Social Workers, it was designed to be helpful for any Social Worker in need of some TLC.

  • Do I have to be a Social Worker?

    And although I use terms like “Social Work” and “Social Worker” frequently throughout the series, the exercises themselves could be beneficial to anyone in a helping profession. Join us!

  • How is this series different from movement practices or meditations I can access for free online?

    I designed this series with dedicated, hard-working Social Workers (i.e., you) in mind. I’ve taken into consideration some of the most common struggles I've encountered in my work supporting fellow Social Workers and addressed them in this series. This series follows a progressive sequence, with each theme building on the previous one. Rather than a random assortment of self-care exercises, this series is thoughtfully designed to help you feel grounded, listen to and honour your own needs, and release what you don’t need to carry, so you can experience rest, refreshment, joy, self-love, growth, and expansion.

  • What if I join and it turns out this isn't right for me?

    I'm confident you'll feel supported and delighted by the Social Worker Refresh. But, if after a week inside the program you're not satisfied, I'll gladly refund your purchase.

Who isn't a good fit for this series?

The I designed this series for folks who are open and willing to cultivate a self-care practice of their own, but who currently struggle with this.

So, Social Worker Refresh might not be right for you if:

  • you're primarily interested in learning how to "toughen up" and push through any exhaustion or dissatisfaction you feel

  • you're not able or willing to commit 15 minutes a day to yourself and your well-being

  • you already have a self-care practice you're happy with and aren't open to learning new strategies for caring for yourself

If, however, you:

  • are passionate, hard-working, and tired of running on empty

  • are a highly sensitive person, struggling with overstimulation related to your job as a Social Worker and are looking for ways to reduce overwhelm and regulate your nervous system

  • are noticing the early signs of Social Work burnout and want to nip it in the bud before you're completely drained and overwhelmed  

  • know the benefits of caring for yourself, but are looking for accountability and encouragement to turn inward and care for your needs on a daily basis

  • are ready to commit 15 minutes each day to mindful soul work that allows you to reconnect with and care for yourself, so you can show up for your clients with empathy and compassion

...then I'd be delighted to welcome you inside Social Worker Refresh!

OK, you've convinced me. I'm ready for my Refresh!

The journey from “overwhelmed” to “rejuvenated” is shorter than you think

I know how hard it was to figure this out on my own, so I wanted to make this series as accessible as possible for you!


  • 14 days of introspective exercises 
  • insight and reflections on each day's theme
  • step-by-step instructional videos
  • access to a private Facebook Group
  • BONUS: Purchase before March 20and you'll receive daily feedback, reflections, and encouragement from your guide, Amy, in the Facebook Group

Considering I charge $225 for my 1:1 consultation services, you'll be getting 14 days of insight, resources, and support for a fraction of the price.

With all of your other financial commitments (feels like we can never get enough training, right?), it might feel uncomfortable spending money on yourself. But, pushing through the overwhelm will only get you so far, and can even result in exhaustion and burnout. I know how important it is for you to keep showing up for your clients and your family. Showing up for yourself is the first step. 

You know all that care and support you pour into others? What if you poured it into yourself? Imagine what would be possible.